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  • help > dragons > dracolich 20020101
    DRACOLICH (dragon subclass)
         Dracoliches are the vile creations of necromantic sorcery.
    When a noble dragon decides to go further down the path of evil, she
    can choose to become this undead sorcerer of darkness.  These creatures
    loose their previous skills and stats, gaining a higher intellect and
    dexterity, thereby dropping their once powerful strength and enduring
    constitution.  Through these dark magics the Dracolich gains the ability
    to cast the spells that aided in its creation.  The incredible stat
    reducing disease, the ability to charm those who also walk the world as
    undead, gaining the spell to heal themselves with the power to harm
    others in deathly cruelty, and finally the spell of darkness to hide 
    their treacherous ways.  Without the flesh and muscle of their former
    selves, Dracoliches loose the ability of flight.  The new undead state
    grants new powers as well as penalties.  The Draco builds up resistances
    to poison, drain and cold.  Fire, lightning, and holy damage cause more
    damage to these undead abominations.  Dracoliches are indeed powerful
    creatures of darkness.  To become one involves a complicated quest which
    few know of, but be wary of the Dragon who would sell his soul for this
    It is only possible to become a dracolich between the levels of 4 and 12.
    See also "help dragon"
    See also "help skills <skillname>"
    Dracoliches have the following skills:
    armour              weaponry               attacking              awareness
    toughness           resistance             combat                 magic
    intimidate          quickheal              
    Dracoliches have the following spells: 
    death(level 5)    dark(level 5)    disease(level 9)    charm undead(level 7)
    Dracoliches have the following resistance adjustments:
    Cold                            : +10
    Poison                          : +25
    Drain                           : +25
    Fire                            : -10
    Holy                            : -10
    Shock                           : -20
    Dracolich stats:
    Strength                       : 140
    Dexterity                      : 60
    Intelligence                   : 120
    Constitution                   : 80
    Dracoliches have the following skill adjustments: 
    awareness                 : +50
    Indel 12/99   Edited by Obiwon 12/99      Updated 7-25-01 (Magius)