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  • help > skills > combat
    Skill        :   Combat
    Class        :   All
    Cost         :   Passive
    Skill Type   :   Passive
    Casting Time :   Passive
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Stats Base   :   Strength and Dexterity
    Syntax       :   Passive
    Example      :   Passive
    The combat skill is very important for any class, especially for 
    fighting type classes, e.g. fighters. 
    When two opponents are fighting, the difference in their combat skills 
    modifies the amount of damage they are able to inflict on each other.  
    If your combat is lower than your opponents, you will do less damage 
    to them and they will do more to you.
    If you are significantly more well trained than your opponent, you can 
    even dodge or parry their blows!  (And vice-versa.)
    See also: help skill attacking, help weaponskills