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  • help > races > dwarf
    Dwarves are stocky and muscular demihumans who dwell beneath the ground, carving out vast cities and waging massive wars against the forces of chaos and evil that continually terrorize the world of Tsunami.
    Dwarves are surprisingly strong for their size, significantly stronger than humans, in fact.  And their hard and unyielding composure is testament to their above average constitution.  But, the dwarven race is not known for its thinking abilities.  In fact, they are significantly less intelligent than men.  And due to their stout build, they are slightly less agile than humans.
    Dwarves are very famous throughout the land for their abilities to forge awesome weapons and magnificent armour.  It is also thought that the Dwarven people are slightly immune to most poisons. Their long exposure to the fiery forges beneath the mountains is said to provide them with resistance to heat.
    Due to their reclusive nature, Dwarves still speak with a thickened accent, which, at times, is difficult for non-dwarves to understand.
    Dwarf stat adjustments:
    Strength         : 10
    Dexterity        : -5
    Intelligence     : -10
    Constitution     : 5
    Dwarf resistance adjustments:
    Crushing         : +15
    Poison           : +15
    Dwarf skill adjustments:
    2-hsword         : -5   attacking        : -5   axe              : +10  
    bladecraft       : +10  forge            : +15  guts             : +5   
    mace             : +5   religion         : +5   resistance       : +5   
    rework           : +15  smash            : +10  toughness        : +5   
    magic            : +10 for Earth Sphere Wu-Jen or +10 for Enchanter 
    Dwarf starts with second degree Earth for the Wu-Jen mage subclass.
    Dwarf sight restrictions:
    Max Sight        : +8
    Min Sight        : +0
    Dwarf is a tiny race.
    Dwarf combat adjustments from terrain:
    Forest           : -10  Hills            : +5   Mountains        : +10  
    Shore            : -5   Swamp            : -5   Underground      : +10  
    Underwater       : -10  Water            : -5   