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  • help > skills > bladecraft
    Skill        :   Bladecraft
    Class        :   Swashbuckler
    Cost         :   30 sp (12 during wars)
    Skill type   :   Active
    Time         :   2 rounds
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity with some Strength and Intelligence
    Syntax       :   do bladecraft <weapon>
    Example      :   do bladecraft
                     do bladecraft dagger
                     do bladecraft sword
    This skill allows the swashbuckler to craft a light blade perfectly
    balanced for the swashbuckler. Others can of course use the blade,
    but it is not balanced for them.
    do bladecraft without argument will create the weapon you specify
    as your default warweapon ("set warweapon dagger" or "set warweapon sword")
    See also: help setenv