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  • help > skills > rework
    Skill        :   Rework
    Skill type   :   Active
    Stats Base   :   Int, and some others
    Cost         :   20 Spell Points per item (half cost in wars)
                     Never more than 100 sp.
    Time         :   1 round per item (half time in wars)
    Syntax       :   do rework [weapon|armour|all]
    Example      :   do rework staff
    This skill allows one to work on a piece of equipment, sharpening it,
    relacing it, rebalancing it, removing dents from it, or whatever
    else one can do to improve the quality of the equipment. Be warned,
    working on your equipment can be dangerous, a sudden start, such as
    movement or being hit, can cause one's hand to slip and damage the
    equipment. One can also simply damage the equipment if one is not
    careful or practiced enough in the skill. The improvement, or damage,
    will gradually be negated by time.