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  • help > dragons > faeriedragon 20040204
    FAERIE DRAGON (dragon subclass)
         The most magical and different of the Dragon types are the petite
    Faerie Dragons.  These small creatures hardly ever reach more than twelve
    inches long.  Their small size accounts for their rather weak physical
    abilities.  However, the Faerie Dragon possesses an arsenal of spells
    that aid during life threatening situations.  Faerie Dragons are forever
    flying, their wings in constant motion keeping them aloft.  This added
    advantage give Faerie Dragons the edge they need.  Spells that help both
    in defense and offense, a hallucinogenic breath weapon that is more of a
    distraction than a weapon, as well as skills that speed up the Dragons
    abilities in combat make these little creatures a regular whirling ball
    of destruction.  Beware the wrath of an angered Faerie Dragon.  They may
    be small, but they fight like lions.
    See also "help dragon"
    See also "help skills <skillname>"
    Faerie Dragons have the following skills:
    weaponry             toughness             awareness             magic
    resistance           faerie breathe        combat                flurry
    Faerie Dragons have the following spells:
    blur                 faerie mist           cute curse            lurk
    Faerie Dragon stats:
    Strength                        : 40
    Dexterity                       : 180
    Intelligence                    : 120
    Constitution                    : 60
    Faeriedragons have the following resistance adjustments:
    Slash                           : -15
    Blunt                           : -15
    Unarmed                         : -15
    Brawling                        : -15
    Pierce                          : -10
    Claw                            : -10
    Bite                            : -10
    stinger                         : -10
    Cold                            : +10
    fire                            : +15
    Drain                           : +15
    Shock                           : +15
    Magic                           : +20
    Psychic                         : +20
    Chaos                           : +20
    Warp                            : +20
    Faerie Dragons have have the following sight restrictions:
    Max Sight: 8
    Min Sight: 0
    Faerie Dragons have the following Combat adjustments based on terrain:
    Desert                          :  -5
    Swamp                           :  +5
    Plains                          :  +5
    Jungle                          :  +5
    Underground                     :  +5
    Forest                          :  +10
    Town                            :  -5
    Mountains                       :  -5
    Hills                           :  -5
    Tundra                          :  -5
    Obiwon 12/99  Updated 20-JAN-2003 Yoshi
    Updated 3/29/03 -Marisil-