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  • help > spells > lurk
    Spell        :   Lurk
    Class        :   Faeriedragon
    Cost         :   25 (not adjustable)
    Casting time :   2 rounds
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Syntax       :   cast lurk
    Examples     :   cast lurk
                     cast lurk stop
    The lurk spell allows the faeriedragon to fade from sight. While
    this spell is active, the faeriedragon will be undetectable to
    all but the most aware beings. If the faeriedragon attacks or is
    attacked, they will reappear and remain visible while fighting.
    However, once they leave combat, they will once again become
    stealthy after a few heartbeats. Cast lurk stop will end the spell.
    Lurk is a personal spell and can't be cast on others.
    It can be cast quietly.