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  • help > skills > flurry
    Skill        :   Flurry
    Class        :   Faeriedragon
    Cost         :   5 SP, random(5) SP drain
    Skill type   :   Active
    Stats Base   :   Mostly dexterity and some Intelligence
    Syntax       :   do flurry (toggle on/off)
    Venting their anger in a built-up frenzy, faeriedragons can launch
    an attack at their foes at will, striking a myriad of attacks like
    a whirling ball of destruction. In addition to more attacks,
    the faerie attacks more fiercely in this mode.
    The faeriedragon can, at any time end their frenzy, but running out
    of mental energy or if they concentrate on their hypermetabolism
    will also stop the flurry of attacks.