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  • help > skills > faerie breathe
    Skill        :   Faerie Breathe
    Class        :   Faerie Dragon
    Cost         :   15 (not adjustable)
    Casting time :   1 round
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Int, some Dex and Con
    Syntax       :   do faerie breathe <type> <target>
                     do faerie breathe <type>
    Example      :   do faerie breathe sadness billy
                     do faerie breathe anger
    A faerie dragon has the ability to breathe forth a jet of mist
    that contains various pheromones and chemicals in it to cause
    the victim to experience certain "feelings."
    Anger: Causes the target to fly into a rage such that they
    will not willingly leave combat and will pursue those they
    are fighting with great anger. Temperatures rise as someone
    is overcome with anger. This breath does fire damage.
    Fear: Causes the target to experience a powerful fear that
    will leave them fleeing in panic from attacks. Note: Creatures
    that are immune to fear will not be affected by this. Fear overwhelms
    a foe who is afraid. This breath does psychic damage.
    Sadness: Causes the target to experience a crushing depression
    that will make them stop fighting and prevent them from 
    performing some hostile actions.
    Note: Certain beings have an inherent resistance to feeling
    emotions (such as undead) and will therefore be more strongly
    resistant to the faeriedragon's breath weapon.
    Faerie Breathe is increased by 15% if the room is faerie misted.