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  • help > spells > cute curse
    Spell        :   Cute curse
    Class        :   Faeriedragon
    Cost         :   15
    Casting Time :   1 round
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Syntax       :   cast cute curse <modifier> <target>
    Examples     :   cast cute curse +45 orc
                     cast cute curse owl
    Being the tricky, lovable creatures that they are, faeriedragons
    have learned how to partly take over the mind of their foes to
    cause them to do cute and loveable things. The victim will be
    unable to do any hostile activity for a short period of time after
    getting effected by the cute curse. It is difficult to be intimidating 
    and stealthy while gleeping, and doing other cute and lovable things
    Casting this spell is an aggressive act. Victims can, however, permit
    a faeriedragon to cast cute curse on them (see help permit).