help > races > halfling Halfling --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halflings are extremely gregarious and outgoing creatures, with round, childlike faces; big, affable grins; and extremely hairy feet. They stand about 3 feet tall, and otherwise appear to be very small humans. They are very proud of their fur-covered feet, and never cover them. Halflings are masterful merry-makers and deeply enjoy the good things in life. They enjoy a lively song, and they are considered the best story- tellers in the realm. They also love a really bad joke, especially if it's at the expense of the 'big folk'. These jests often involve a well-placed taunt, or the pocketing of small 'misplaced' goods. Halflings are peace-loving by nature, and are particularly inoffensive and non-threatening. However, they are also some of the bravest creatures in the realm, able to face intimidating threats that would make a hardened minotaur warrior balk. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halfling stat adjustments: Strength : -20 Dexterity : 20 Intelligence : 0 Constitution : 0 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halfling skill adjustments: escape : +5 guts : +5 hide : +5 intimidate : -15 parry : +5 quell : +10 singing : +5 sleight : +5 steal : +5 stealth : +5 taunt : +10 Halfling starts with first degree Air for the Wu-Jen mage subclass. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halfling sight restrictions: Max Sight : +9 Min Sight : +1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halfling is a tiny race. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Halfling combat adjustments from terrain: Arctic : -10 Building : +5 Cultivated : +10 Dimension : -10 Plains : +10 Road : +5 Ship : -5 Swamp : -5 Town : +5 Underground : +5 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- |