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  • help > permit
    syntax:  permit <who> <action>
    Some skills and spells require the target to be willing. You can
    indicate that you are a willing target of <action> from <who> by
    using this command.
    Among the current uses are:
    permit foo ride     - allows Foo to ride you as a steed (using the
                          ride skill). Really only useful to dragons,
                          unicorns, and centaurs.
    permit foo steer    - allows Foo to steer if he is riding you.
    permit foo summon   - allows Foo to summon\compel you with a spell
                          or prayer without it being considered an
                          aggressive act.
                          (NOTE: the person you should 'permit' is the
                          one casting the summon spell. If this is a
                          charmed NPC, use the NPC's name.)
    permit foo compel   - interchangeable with 'permit foo summon'.
    permit foo light    - allows Foo to pray orb on you without it
                          being considered aggressive.
    permit foo dark     - allows Foo to cast/prey darkness on you
                          without it being considered aggressive.
    permit foo cutecurse  - allows Foo to cast a cute curse on you 
                            without going aggressive when doing so.
    permit foo resurrect  - allows Foo to resurrect you.  You can
                            replace 'foo' with 'everyone' to 
                            allow anyone to resurrect you.
    You may also permit:
    feykill, dispel, link, spellsteal, songsteal (fetches),
    guidance, cutecurse, view, smoke, pkfight, stfu
    See also:
       unpermit, permitlist,
       skill ride, spell summon, prayer compel.
       spell cute curse.