Vote for Our Mud on TMC!

help > commandlist
abort           Cancel a skill/spell you are currently casting.
addmailalias    Adds a mail alias
aggro           Lists currently aggressive people
alias           Create an alias
altclass        Pretend to be another class. Thief-only.
analyze         Give basic information about a weapon or armor
arenascore      Shows your arena statistics
ask             Ask an npc a question
back            Attempt to go back to the previous room.
bio             Various statistical information
bonus           Lists your xp bonuses
brettscore      Lists your current brett quest status
brief           Toggles whether you see long or short room descs.
bug             Report a bug
calc            A calculator
cant            Allows natives to speak in their native cant.
carry           shows your current carried weight.
cast            cast a spell
castq           cast a spell, quietly
catch           set your reaction to people trying to steal from you.
channel         general interface to the communications channel system.
chars           lists your characters
check           controls reporting the health of your opponent in combat
classnews       lists news for your class, if any
clear           clears the screen
climate         shows the general climate of the area you are in
close           close something
color           control display of colors
colour          control display of colours
condition       lists some modifiers you are under (unreliable)
consider        compare a target's level to your own.
converse        enter chat mode
count           shows class statistics
damagestat      shows your damage statistics
date            shows the current mud time/date
decline         refuse an invitation to join a party
do              perform a skill
drop            drop an item
earmuffs        control listening to shout
eat             eat something
emergency       send an emergency shout
emote           generates an emote
equipment       shows your currently worn and wielded equipment
examine         look at something
exits           list obvious exits to your current room
exp             spend experience
explored        shows you how much of the mud you have explored
finger          get information about a player
fix             fix a few types of bugs.
formation       controls your position in a party
forms           shows the forms you can shapeshift into
forward         attempt to move through an exit that is not 'back'
friends         interact with friends
get             pick up an object
give            give an object to someone else
guild           teleport to your guild house. Only available at level 10-
hardcore        enters hardcore player mode.
hearth town     teleports you to the Center of Town (CoT)
hearth temple   when dead, sends you to your Jihad temple
help            the help command
hints           show recent newbie hints
holidays        shows a calendar of special mud events
holywar         shows information about the holy war
hp              shows your current hp/sp, or control automatic display
hunting         controls behavior when an opponent flees
idea            suggest an idea
ignore          ignore communication from a user
inscribe        cast a rune
invasionscore   show your statistics for killing invaders
inventory       show what you're carrying
iview           view an invader
kill            attack something
kills           show who and what you've killed
listemote       list available emotes
listen          listen to a room for possible additional information
listmailalias   list your mail aliases
lock            attempt to lock something
look            look in a room or at somethign
mail            open the tsunami mail interface
mark            mark an object so you don't accidentally drop or sell it
mods            shows your terrain modifiers
money           shows how much money you're carrying
mxp             control the MXP interface (incomplete)
mychars         shows your characters
news            shows current news
nickcp          copy a nickname
nickname        define a nickname
noignore        cease to ignore someone
offwield        wield a weapon in your off hand. Warrior only.
open            try to open something
party           controls the party system
pat             pat a creature your level or lower on the head
people          shows some information about who is on
perform         perform a ritual
permit          allow someone to do something that is normally hostile
permitlist      show who you're permitting to do what
pkrank          shows where you are on the PK ladder
pkscore         shows your PK statistics
pose            sends a message to the entire mud
praise          send your praises to someone
pray            use a prayer
prayers         shows the prayers you know, if any
prayq           use a prayer quietly
pretitle        sets what appears before your name in your description
prompt          control your prompt
pulse           turn on a keepalive pulse
put             put something in a container
quest           display information about quests
race            show name and race of npcs in room
realm           shows information about the room you're in
redo            repeat the prior command
rehash          updates your command list.
remove          take off a suit of armor
repeat          do an action once per turn
replay          shows damage you have taken recently
reply           sends a tell to the person who last sent a tell to you
retell          sends a tell to the person you last sent a tell to
rewield         wield the weapon you last wielded (useful if disarmed)
rituals         shows your rituals
rules           same as help rules
save            save your character. Normally done automatically.
say             send a message to other people in the room with you
score           shows information about your character
search          search something for more detail
see             allows certain creatures to remote view other creatures.
setenv          set an environment variable
shift           change forms
shop            teleport to the shop. Normally only available right before war
shout           send a message to the entire mud
sigil           claim a monster
sizeup          tells you how big something is
skills          shows your skills
smell           try to get additional information about a room
songs           shows the songs you know, if any
spells          shows the spells you know, if any
split           split coins with a party
standing        shows jihad standing
stats           shows your stats
stolen          shows how much you've stolen
stop            stop hunting
suitup          try to equip as much gear as you can
tabstop         sets your tab stops
tag             allows tagging specific events
tagit           tag a command
talk            talk to an npc
tell            send a private message to another character
terrain         shows the terrain in the room
time            shows mud time.
tips            controls whether the mud gives you hints
title           sets what appears after your name in your appearance
twar            lists information about mud wars
twarscore       lists your twar score
typo            report a typo
unalias         delete an alias
unlock          try to unlock something
unmark          remove a mark from something
unpermit        turn off a permit
unwield         stop wielding a weapon
uptime          shows how long tsunami has been up
urls            shows some important URLs
wardamage       shows damage statistics from the last war
warhistory      shows your recent war statistics
warkills        shows the outcome of the last war
warscore        shows your war score
wartime         shows how long until the next war
warvote         vote for a TWar
wear            put on a suit of armor
whisper         send a private message to someone in the same room
who             who who is on
whoami          shows who you are and where you're logged in from
wield           wield a weapon
wimpy           control when you will run away from combat
wimpydir        control the direction you flee from combat
window          controls vt100-based windowing
wizards         show wizards who are currently on
wizlist         shows a list of wizards, by rank
yell            send a message to nearby rooms