Who is online right now?
Marisil continues to ruin the game (Arch Wizard)
[B!=F | 80HD | uWu-Tang Clan] Raine (Arch Wizard)
0 Darkpoole 0 (Elder Wizard)
Disdain (Senior Wizard)
Joshua ([Greater Wizard] - Highest Wizard)
The Hand of Vecna (Terror of the Night)
[Companions] Grumsh - Harbinger of the Apocalypse [PATRON] (Reanimated Terror)
[] Bubbleoseven (Vengeance)
Einherjar (Deathwielder)
Kerafyrm The Sleeper (vampiric) (Ghostly Necrotic Annihilator)
Syskar (Legendary Ensorceler of an Ancient Age)
an enlarged version of Ophthalamia (Fractal Maledictor)
Kung the Gibbous Wolf (Werepuppy)
Celagriel the mushroom (Magic Mushroom)
Heman - Master of Your Universe (Frenzied Butcher)
Valentinus the Gnostic heretic (The Gnostic Heretic Himself)
-- Online: 16 ------------------------------------------------------------------
Players marked 'unknown' are 'who off' to hide somewhat from their enemies.