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help > replay
Command: replay

The replay command shows a summary of the last 25 combat rounds.
It lists your Attacker, Age of hit (how long ago in seconds),
the amount of damage (Amt), your current hit points (cHP), and a 
cumulative running total of each round (ThisR).

Attacker            |   Age   | Delay |       Amt| Type|   cHP| ThisR
carn                |     2:46|   0:00|    33(43)|poiso|   118|    33
carn                |     2:46|   0:00|      6(6)| claw|   112|    39
carn                |     2:46|   0:00|      1(1)| claw|   111|    40
carn                |     2:46|   0:00|      2(2)| claw|   109|    42
carn                |     2:44|   0:00|    44(44)| claw|    65|    44
carn                |     2:44|   0:00|    49(49)| claw|    16|    93
carn                |     2:44|   0:00|    16(57)| claw|     0|   109

The attacker was carn; the attack occurred 2:44 in the past. At the time
of the attack, the quit delay was 0 seconds (i.e. not aggressive). The damage
amount shows before and after defenses; the damage type is the type of 
damage, or HP/SP for untyped damage. cHP shows current hit points. ThisR shows
total damage taken this round.

See also: 'hp'.