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help > look

Command: look

Syntax: look [<[at] item>] [in room] / [on object]

Look is what you use to see what the heck is going on around you.
Without an argument, you will look at the room you are currently in.
Otherwise, you may look at other people, monsters, items, et al. This
will usually tell you something about the target you are looking at,
such as what it might be, how it works, what condition it is in, etc.
You automatically do a look whenever you enter a room, unless you are
in 'brief' mode. You can look at something in the room with the same
name as something in your inventory by using the 'in room' suffix.

Note: the commands 'l', 'examine' and 'exa' are all synonymous
      with look, and can be interchanged freely when looking at
      items.  Only 'look' and 'l' will work for looking at a
      room description, however.

See also: glance, brief, check