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help > spells > glow
Spell        :   Glow
Class        :   Pixie
Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
Pollen Used  :   Moonflower
Casting Time :   1
Syntax       :   cast glow [<target>]
Examples     :   cast glow
                 cast glow mutilation

The Mother, in Her striving to rid the lands of the Defilers, seeks to
spotlight and unveil those who are anathema to Life itself.  Thus She
has granted Pixie's the ability to combine moonflower pollen into a 
potent spell of exposure, whereby the Pixie may imbue a foe with an
obnoxious, effulgent glow.  This vexatious luminescence will interfere
with the target's ability to both attack and defend in combat (i.e. 
lowers combat skill).  It will also significantly hinder the target's 
attempts to hide itself (i.e. lowers stealth skill).


The debuffs inflicted by the spell are amplified by the target's 
currently-lost-sp percentage.

The spell also reduces the target's weapon skills.

See also: help pollen