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  • help > prayers > sanguinary ritual
    Prayer           :   Sanguinary Ritual
    Class            :   Zealot
    Cost             :   100 + drain + 1 corpse
    Prayer Time      :   1 rounds
    Syntax           :   pray sanguinary ritual  <no mods>
    Examples         :   pray sanguinary ritual
                     :   pray sanguinary ritual dispel
    When the zealot undergoes the Sanguinary Ritual, he
    calls out for the favor of the Blood Lords in return for 
    a bloody sacrifice of the corpse of a foe slain by the 
    cleric. Depending on how favored the zealot is in the 
    eyes of his bloodthirsty deities, he will be gifted with
    greatly increased prowess in combat. 
    Be wary of the Blood Lords' desire to see blood spilled 
    in combat, however. If their favor is not used to whet 
    their appetites for destruction, they may revoke their 
    favor to the dismay of their cowardly follower, such
    is their wrath that this displeasure can even cause
    death to the follower.
    The same displeasure will fall on a Zealot so brazen
    to throw away their favor via dispel.