help > prayers
Some character classes can have certain prayers answered. Many factors go
into whether or not an attempt to pray is successful. These include your
level in the prayer, the magic resistance of the target, the magic resistance
in the room (if any), and possibly temporary negative or positive modifiers due
to other effects.
Your level in the prayer is essentially a percentage chance of making the
prayer, modified by the factors mentioned above. Additionally, you lose 10%
from your chance of success for each level of difficulty of the prayer. So if
you had a 120 skill in an 8th level prayer, your net chance would be only 40%.
You can increase/decrease your chance of success by spending more/less spell
points when you pray (some prayers don't allow this). For specific
information on praying , see 'pray'.
You can get help on specific prayers by typing 'help prayer <prayer>'.
You can get a list of the prayers you have and their levels by typing 'prayers'.