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help > spells > hex
Spell        :   Hex
Class        :   Witch
Cost         :   20
Casting Time :   1
Syntax       :   cast hex [<modifier>] [<target>]
Examples     :   cast hex
                 cast hex mojo
                 cast hex +50 all

Denizens of Tsunami are wary of crossing the path of a Witch, lest
their fate be tainted by the hag's malicious influence.  Those 
unfortunate souls who fail to steer clear of such malevolence often
finds themselves falling under the sway of ill fortune, hexed with
an indelible blight.

Targets affected by the hex spell have a chance to take increased
damage from any incoming damage source and will also randomly suffer 
penalties to the following of their attributes:

- Armor Class
- Weapon Class

...and to the following skills:

- Awareness
- Combat
- Intimidate
- Resistance
- Stealth
- Toughness

These penalties are not constant and trigger randomly whenever the
aforementioned factors are considered (i.e. during combat, etc).  If 
the target fails to resist the malignant influence of the hex during 
any given check, the penalty applies to the particular facet in 

NOTE: If hex trigger messages are too spammy for your tastes (whether 
      as the Witch that casted it or as the unfortunate victim of the
      spell), its activation message can be hidden via:
      setenv no_witch_hex_msg 1