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help > jihad > jihad2
|Jihad: the technical bits                                                 |
|     There are in reality 7 factions in the Jihad, but not all races,     |
| classes and subclasses are welcome.  Please see below for a comprehensive|
|                                list.                                     |
|Classes and subclasses:                                                   |
|Faction       Forbidden Classes             Forbidden Subclasses          |
|                                                                          |
|Atheist:            Fey                             None                  |
|                                                                          |
|Everen:   Undead, Fey, Monster,          Thief, Ninja, Bandit, Thug       |
|             Horror, Dragon         Swashbuckler, Chaosmage, Necromancer  |
|                                                                          |
|Many Faces:   Undead, fey               Necromancer, Dracolich, Demon     |
|                                                                          |
|Great Old Ones:     Fey                  Faeriedragon, Demon, Paladin     |
|                                                                          |
|Blood Lords:        Fey                          Faeriedragon             |
|                                                                          |
|Karaveth:           Fey                    Chaosmage, Faeriedragon        |
|                                                                          |
|Mother:     Monster, Horror, Undead   Chian-lung,  Shen-lung, Dracolich,  |
|                                         Firedrake, Remorhaz, Wyvern,     |
|                                     Necromancer, Chaosmage, Juggernaught |
|Races:                                                                    |
|      Faction                    Forbidden Races                          |
|                                                                          |
|Atheist:                               Fey                                |
|                                                                          |
|Everen:                Fey, Danpiru, Monsters, Horror, Dragon             |
|                                                                          |
|Many Faces:                        Fey, Undead                            |
|                                                                          |
|Great Old Ones:                        Fey                                |
|                                                                          |
|Blood Lords:                        Elf, Fey                              |
|                                                                          |
|Karaveth:                           Elf, Fey                              |
|                                                                          |
|Mother                         All but Fey, Elf, and Faeriedragon         |
|ARE SELECTED UPON JOINING A FACTION.                                      |
|                                                                          |
|ATTITUDES:                                                                |
|                                                                          |
|The different factions get along with each other to varying degrees. Some |
|are quite amiable, some have instant and violent hatreds.  The degree of  |
|attitude can affect the effectiveness of certain skills.  For example,    |
|a bless from Everen might receive a 25% bonus when used on a follower of  |
|Everen, but a -50% penalty when used on a follower of Karaveth.  Further- |
|more, attitude determines the effectiveness of player parties and the     |
|experience they gain; see 'help parties' for more information.            |
|                                                                          |
|            Everen   Karaveth   Faces  Old Ones  Mother  Blood  Atheists  |
|            _____________________________________________________________ |
|Everen     |  L         H         T        A       T      H        T     ||
|Karaveth   |  H         A         H        A       A      A        T     ||
|Many Faces |  T         A         L        A       T      H        T     ||
|Old Ones   |  C         C         C        C       C      C        C     ||
|The Mother |  A         A         A        H       L      H        A     ||
|Blood Lords|  H         H         H        H       H      T        H     ||
|Atheists   |  T         T         T        T       T      T        L     ||
|            ------------------------------------------------------------- |
|                                                                          |
|L = Loves                                                                 |
|T = Tolerates                                                             |
|C = Could Care Less                                                       |
|A = Animosity                                                             |
|H = Hates                                                                 |
|e.g.: Atheists tolerate everything, but love only other atheists.         |
|                                                                          |
|                                                                          |
|HOLYWAR:                                                                  |
|The command 'holywar' is used to keep track of the jihad and its various  |
|scores. Type 'holywar' for further instructions.                          |
|                                                                          |
|JIHAD WAR TYPE:                                                           |
|A team war has a chance to become a Jihad-based War if the war daemon     |
|determines that there is enough diversity to ensure a reasonably balanced |
|war between enough teams.  This can mean, however, that one team has 3    |
|heros and 6 teams have one hero; good truces and gangs are the            |
|responsibility of the players, not the war daemon!                        |
|                                                                          |
|JIHAD COMMUNICATION:                                                      |
|The channel daemon holds channels for the 6 factions.  Atheists get no    |
|channel--sorry, unbelievers!                                              |
|                                                                          |
|The channel daemon should automagically pipe your messages to the correct |
|faction line by typing 'jihad message_here', like with every other        |
|channel.                                                                  |
|                                                                          |
|TEMPLES AND DEATH:                                                        |
|Each faction has its own center of power, the great Cathedrals of their   |
|faiths.  Each has its own unique guardian.  Members of the faction can go |
|to their temple when they die by typing 'temple' and then 'pray' for      |
|resurrection.  Each temple also can offer a special bonus unique to each  |
|temple once per reboot.  Directions to each temple can be found at        |
|'help temples'.                                                           |
|                                                                          |
|RESURRECTION                                                              |
|Each faction has a subclass of cleric to aid them in their holy cause.    |
|Not only can these chosen warriors fight, they can also call their allies |
|back from death's embrace.  The penalties for being given life this way   |
|rather than from the gods are less severe; however, they vary according   |
|to the relationships between factions.                                    |