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List of Top Brett Questers

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Results displayed sorted by column: Number of Brett Quests Completed

Rank Character Name Level Experience Gained Gold Made Num Completed Num Given Up
1. Longshanks 19+10 13,064,909 5,640,775 546 86
2. Asherzot 19+7 13,190,358 1,766,350 521 60
3. Harm 19+6 7,010,881 883,800 301 13
4. Enkil 19+5 5,278,342 801,400 240 31
5. Horus 19+7 10,737,359 1,219,025 237 12
6. Magstant 19+11 5,603,910 1,369,525 217 44
7. Basilides 19+5 8,237,556 808,400 173 0
8. Czael 19+5 10,337,042 1,252,825 151 38
9. Jiroch 19+8 4,610,987 509,750 138 14
10. Garhoug 19+6 1,796,419 297,900 129 10
11. Zetsu 19+3 12,994,674 884,450 124 21
12. Kain 19+8 2,758,103 1,197,550 109 36
13. Gaara 19+6 3,028,931 828,400 96 28
14. Kiyona 19+6 6,117,685 825,625 91 24
15. Muffel 19+9 3,246,329 339,750 88 11
16. Aurora 19+7 3,651,100 790,900 81 28
17. Valentinus 19+11 1,823,590 236,250 72 0
18. Joffrey 19+3 3,349,491 308,275 70 12
19. Menander 19+5 2,282,689 256,975 69 0
20. Temba 13 3,104,807 291,650 67 1