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help > w > standards
 //           Wizard Standards            //
         Created   2-Sep-2022 by Raine         
    Last Updated:  8-Sep-2022 by Raine
|                 Intro                  |
Over the years Tsunami has rotated through
many contributors. This has lead to a wide
range of mismatched variables. Everything
from equipment, to available MUD buffs to
race, class, and subclass power variances
is so widely scattered. So hardline rules
to some degree are necessary to ensure we
can maintain some sort of continuity and
attempt to avoid flavor of the month type
scenarios and power creep.
|              Specifics                 |
Below are the files that contain details
about specific standards that wizards are
required to stick to when creating content.

Syntax: help w standards <doc>

race, class, subclass, weapon, armour
area, skills