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help > stances > tiger
Stance         :   Tiger
Level          :   19
Attacks        :   punch,punch,punch,kick,kick
Bonus          :   dex, dragon punch, palm,
                   awareness, combat, weapondam, attacking
Penalties      :   falling star, cyclone kick, toughness,
                   resistance, ac

The ferocity, wisdom and tenacity of the tiger are
legendary. Tiger utilizes a hard, external approach
to combat that meets force with force and is very likely
to maim or kill an opponent because of the nature of
the counterattack. The tiger is used to train for strong
bones and ligaments and develops fearlessness and 
tenacity. It has strong techniques best suited for ripping
and tearing. Not being one of the more subtle forms,
Tiger practitioners will prefer attacking aggressively,
overwhelming the opponent.