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help > spells > acclimate
Spell        :   Acclimate
Class        :   Pixie
Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
Pollen Used  :   Bluebell
Casting Time :   1
Syntax       :   cast acclimate <damage type> [<target>]
Examples     :   cast acclimate slash
                 cast acclimate pierce brightman

In order to more effectively infiltrate the realms of Men, the Mother
has granted the Pixies the means by which to acclimate themselves to
the dangers of the Defilers' domains.  Using bluebell pollen, the Pixie
is able to instill itself or an ally with resistance to a given form
of injury.  Only certain damage types are a valid choice for the 
spell (see list below).  This protection will, obviously, reduce the 
damage taken by the target of the type chosen.

A recipient's acclimation may be refreshed by casting acclimate on
him or her before the effect expires.  When doing so, a new damage
type may be chosen.  If a new damage type is chosen, any existing
bonuses accrued via the synergies listed below will be converted and
transferred to the new damage type instead.

VALID DAMAGE TYPES: acid, bite, blunt, bow, brawling, claw, cleave, 
                    cold, fire, general, pierce, poison, shock, slash,
                    stinger, unarmed


The damage resistance to the chosen type increases gradually as more
and more combat strikes of that type are attempted against the 
recipient (up to a certain maximum).

Incoming combat strikes of the chosen damage type, within a given 
terrain (the terrain types of the current room), will gradually 
increase the acclimate ricipient's terrain bonus for that terrain over 
time (up to a certain maximum).

See also: help pollen