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  • help > races > muul
    Muul are a race of desert dwellers. They are a product of the mating between dwarves and humans.  Due to their dubious birth, and their odd facial structure, they are shunned by both humans and dwarves. Most Muul dwell in the Great Tsunami Desert, avoiding contact with most other races. 
    The heritage of the Muul leaves them considerably stronger than their human parents, and also slightly sturdier. On average, they stand only a head shorter than a normal human, but may weigh considerably more. Muul are very muscular by nature, and can withstand incredible blows. However, the skull of a Muul is somewhat misshapen, resulting in large, bulbous noses, protruding jawbones, and a small cranial cavity. Due to this odd skull shape, which applies pressure on the brain of the Muul, they tend to be very slow-witted.
    The rest of a Muul's body vaguely resembles a human, save for their shoulders and arms. The shoulders of a Muul are unusually broad, with very well-developed muscles and tendons, thus leading most Muul to favor edged or crushing type weapons. Their arms are somewhat shorter than an average human's however, and thus Muul tend to be less skilled with long or piercing weapons, their short reach inhibiting their effective use.
    Due to the brawny nature of the Muul race they have the innate ability to soak damage in the same way as the guts skill.
    Centuries of dwelling in exile in the Tsunami desert has left them able to tolerate high temperatures without ill effect. They also retain a high natural resistance to poison from their dwarven heritage.  The same lifestyle that has left them heat resistant however, leaves them very susceptible to cold.  When traveling outside their native lands, Muul are known to wear heavy furs even during the summer. They also are expert desert fighters, and can outskill nearly any opponent in arid terrains.
    RACIAL COMMAND: You can use 'guts-toggle' to turn your passive Muul guts on and off.
    Muul stat adjustments:
    Strength         : 10
    Dexterity        : 0
    Intelligence     : -15
    Constitution     : 5
    Muul resistance adjustments:
    Fire             : +25
    Cold             : -25
    Poison           : +25
    Muul skill adjustments:
    2-hsword         : -5   axe              : +5   dagger           : -5   
    deathblade       : +5   guts             : +10  mace             : +5   
    polearm          : -5   sword            : +5   
    Muul starts with first degree Air, first degree Fire, and first degree Spirit for the Wu-Jen mage subclass.
    Muul sight restrictions:
    Max Sight        : +9
    Min Sight        : +1
    Muul is a man-sized race.
    Muul combat adjustments from terrain:
    Arctic           : -10  Desert           : +10  Field            : +5   
    Forest           : -5   Hills            : +5   Plains           : +5   
    Ship             : -5   Shore            : -5   Underwater       : -5   
    Water            : -5   