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  • help > class > cleric
    Clerics are the offensive intermediaries between the earthly and the
    divine, or even infernal, worlds.  These holy or unholy missionaries 
    seek out anyone who will listen to the truths, or lies of their beliefs.
    Some will use the opiate of the masses to bring healing, comfort, and love
    to those that they wish to fold into their embrace.  Others will feed upon
    the strife, hatred, cruelty, and madness that runs rampant in the world, 
    promising power and vengeance to those willing to exchange their soul.
    Clerical prayers are directly linked to their religion skill.  Some find it 
    easier to call to their gods for healing and comfort and thus find it more 
    difficult to harm others.  While the more worldy will bring a blood soaked 
    curse to their lips easier than smile. 
    Each religion has its own cleric type as follows:
    Everen, Goddess of Light              : Crusader
    Karaveth, the Lord of the Middle Dark : Nefaricium
    Blood Lords                           : Zealot
    Gods of Many Faces                    : Aohitogusa
    Great Old Ones                        : Cultist
    Mother of All                         : Preserver
    Eastern Gods                          : Monks
    See also: help classes, help subclasses, help <subclass>