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help > w > standards race
 //            Race Standards             //
         Created   2-Sep-2022 by Raine         
    Last Updated:  8-Sep-2022 by Raine
|             Hardline Rules             |
1) The sum of any adjustments should always
be zero or lower.

Stat Examples:
 - +5 str, +5 dex, -5 int, -5 con   =  0 - Okay
 - +5 str, +10 dex, -15 int, -5 con = -5 - Okay
 - +10 str, +5 dex, -5 int, -5 con  = +5 - Not okay

Resistance Examples:
 - +10 crushing, -10 cold           =   0 - Okay
 - +15 crushing, -10 cold, -10 fire = -10 - Okay
 - +15 crushing, -10 cold           =  +5 - Not okay

This holds for terrain adjustments and skill
adjustments as well. The only potential 
exceptions to this would be thematic and/or
equivalent swap.

2) Stat adjustments should never exceed +/- 25
and reaching this should be extremely rare. 

3) Terrain adjustments should never exceed +/- 20
and reaching this should be extremely rare.

4) The name of the race should fit the setting.
 - Orc would be fine.
 - Smartboi would not be fine.