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help > spells > brambles
Spell        :   Brambles
Class        :   Pixie
Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
Pollen Used  :   Rose
Casting Time :   1
Syntax       :   cast brambles
Examples     :   cast brambles

While Men have often regarded the rose as a symbol of love and
affection, the Mother, through the Pixie, has been pleased to use the
rose as a means by which to constrain and malign the Defilers.  Using 
rose pollen, the Pixie may conjure this malice in the form of brambles.  
These brambles will choke the area, injuring foes who enter and exit
the room by mangling their flesh.  Furthermore, the thorns have a 
chance to damage foes standing in the room that engage in combat or 
use skills.  Finally, Pixies will find that they are better able to
both hide and defend themselves in rooms in which that have conjured
brambles (i.e. they have increased stealth and armor class).


The injuries inflicted by the thorns do additional bleeding damage.
This damage is instantaneous and is *not* applied over time.

Damage inflicted by the brambles also drains SPs from the injured foe.

See also: help pollen