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help > spells > bliss
Spell        :   Bliss
Class        :   Pixie
Cost         :   20 / 40 (non-adjustable)
Cooldown     :   5 / 10 rounds
Pollen Used  :   Lotus
Casting Time :   1
Syntax       :   cast bliss [<target>]
Examples     :   cast bliss
                 cast bliss sasha
                 cast bliss flee (requires daffodil)

Channeling its mystical union with the Mother through the conduit of
lotus pollen, the Pixie may attempt to subdue or enrapture its foes
by inundating them with a deluge of this numinous confluence.
Exposure to this singularity will peace all targets in the room 
(20 SPs), or, if a single target was provided AND that target is not a 
player, will overwhelm the target with uncontrollable charity towards 
the Pixie (40 SPs).  These charmed single-target NPCs will attempt to 
buff the Pixie if it is within their capacity to do so.

Please note that the charm-buff effect only allows two buffs via this 
spell to be active on the Pixie at any given time.  This is roughly
calculated due to the state of the overall code for buffs, and the 
count of bliss buffs may be overestimated from time to time.


When cast as peace on the room, the "flee" modifier may be used.  If 
it is used, affected targets have a chance to be overcome by wanderlust 
and randomly move around in addition to being peaced.

When cast as a charm effect against a single NPC target, the NPC's
skills/spells/prayers/etc will be temporarily boosted in order to 
enhance the potential buff that it might use on the Pixie.

See also: help pollen