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help > actions > complex action

varargs void complex_action(string message, object *targets, int alertness)
If you have something more complicated, such as multiple targets, use this one.
'targets' is an array of objects referring to all the targets of this action.
See "man actions alertness" for more on the optional alertness flag.

Example: this_player()->complex_action("$N $vbounce at $t and $t2.",
           ({ fing_player_ob, silence_player_ob }) );
this_player() would see: "You bounce at Fingolfin and Silence."
Fingolfin would see: "Megaboz bounces at you and Silence."
Silence would see: "Megaboz bounces at Fingolfin and you."
others would see: "Megaboz bounces at Fingolfin and Silence."