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  • help > skills > carve
    Skill       :   Carve
    Skill Type  :   Active
    Cost        :   20 sp
    Casting time:   3 rounds / 1 during war
    Stats Base  :   Mostly Dexterity, some Intelligence
    Classes     :   Hunter, Medusa
    Syntax      :   do carve <arrow type/bow type>
    Examples    :   do carve
                :   do carve barbed
                :   do carve ash
    Using carve, one can create various types of bows and the arrows
    to shoot from them. Both Hunter and Medusa can craft the various
    arrow types. The types of arrows that can be crafted in this
    fashion are:
        fire     -- these arrows inflict fire damage
        poison   -- these arrows inflict poison damage
        barbed   -- barbed arrows deal higher normal damage
        heavy    -- heavy arrows punch through armour
    The arrows must be used with a bow. To fire the arrows, use the
    following syntax:
        fire [type] [at <name>]
        Ex: fire fire at blah  or  fire poison at misery
    Medusa, having mastered bows and arrows can 'autofire' arrows
    on occasion. They can set their default type using the "autofire"
    While different types of bows can also be created using carve,
    only hunters have the skill and patience to craft them. The
    following bow types may be crafted:
        ironoak -- very balanced, easy to use
        cherry  -- high velocity shots, high penetration rate
        ash     -- supple, quicker rate of fire
        yew     -- higher accuracy from long range