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  • help > skills > bulletsmith
    Skill        :   Bulletsmith
    Class        :   Gunslinger
    Base Cost    :   10 energy
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   1 round
    Stats Base   :   75% Dex, 25% Int
    Syntax       :   do bulletsmith <optional: purge | secondary> <type>
    Examples     :   do bulletsmith fire
    Types:       :   fire, ice, lightning, poison
    Given the rarity of firearms technology in the realm, the Gunslinger has
    learned to craft their own special munitions. As they grow more familiar
    with their weapon and study it thoroughly enough they become able to
    craft various types of elemental ammo.
    Studying incendiary research allows you smith fire ammo.
    Studying cryo research allows you smith ice ammo.
    Studying voltaic research allows you smith lightning ammo.
    Studying toxicology research allows you smith poison ammo.
    Studying dual elementalist allows you to set a secondary element.
    If you do not have dual elementalist learned you cannot use the secondary
    optional flag. The purge flag will clear both your primary and secondary
    elements as well as discard any remaining cartridges.