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help > clans > castles
|                           CLANS CASTLE SYSTEM                           |


Castles provide rest and respite for weary clan members and will provide a
central location to mingle with fellow clan members.  A safe haven among the
carnage that is Tsunami life. 

Directions to the castles are:

Berzerker  - Mountains of Dalaria, From Cot: Ride Dalaria, 5s, 7e, se, u, s
Defender   - Mountains above Edo, from Cot:  4e, sail edo, 2e, ne, 2e, 2u, sw, 2s, se
Explorer   - Glacial Mountains.  <ask an Explorer>

You can 'hearth clan' to quickly move to your own clan's castle.

Basic Structure:

                   ---         E - Entrance way
                   |R|         P - Portcullis.
                   ---         G - Guard Rooms (can be multiple).
                    |          M - Main Guild Hall.
  ---   ---   ---  ---   ---   R - Rampart
  |E| - |P| - |G| -|M| - |T|   T - Treasury.
  ---   ---   ---  ---   ---   H - Trophy Room.
                    |  \       C - Clan Throne Room.
                   ---   ---
                   |H|   |C|
                   ---   ---

Entrance (E)

Entrance to guild.  Guild members may directly travel to the 
Main Guild Hall from here.

Portcullis (P)

The Portcullis will be the first line of defense against invading clans.

Cost structure for Wall might be:

Portcullis HP:      Cost:                   Total Cost:
1000                10,000,000 coins        10,000,000 coins
2000                20,000,000 coins        30,000,000 coins
5000                50,000,000 coins        80,000,000 coins
10000               100,000,000 coins       180,000,000 coins
15000               150,000,000 coins       320,000,000 coins
20000               200,000,000 coins       520,000,000 coins
25000               250,000,000 coins       770,000,000 coins
50000               400,000,000 coins       1,800,000,000 coins

Guard Rooms (G)

Guard Rooms can be customized / upgraded with a choice of NPC's.  Max 2 per room.  

Cost Structure for Guard Rooms might be:

5mil for first room.  Each additional room an additional cost of 5mil.
Each room comes with a level 20 unsub guard.
Second monster for each room costs 10mil (starts level 20 unsub).
Level up monster for each level costs 1mil + 1mil / additional level.  Max lvl 35.  
I.e. 20 -> 21 costs 1mil. 21 -> 22 costs 2mil. Total cost 20 -> 35 = 120mil.
Subclass for each monster costs 5mil.

To give an idea about costs:  10 rooms with 1 level 30 subclassed monster in each 
(not much of a challenge these days) -

Cost of rooms: 275mil
Cost of subclasses: 50mil
Cost of level-ups: 550mil
Total Cost: 875mil.

Main Guild Hall (M)

Center of the guild with board / top guild lists located here.

Treasury (T)

The Treasury would be a place for the Curia Regis to make upgrades and utilise
the clans stash.  The clan can be reset back to a default state if two of the
Curia Regis agree to do so (and all funds spent returned to the Treasury).

The treasury also generates DOGE coins based on clan members CPU contributions.

The number of resources generated will also be based on the level of the Treasury.  

Cost Structure for Treasury would be:

Boost    Resources / Day:     Cost:                   Total Cost:
+1        +2                  50,000,000 coins        50,000,000 coins
+1        +3                  100,000,000 coins       150,000,000 coins
+1        +4                  150,000,000 coins       300,000,000 coins
+1        +5                  200,000,000 coins       500,000,000 coins
+1        +6                  250,000,000 coins       750,000,000 coins
+1        +7                  300,000,000 coins       1,050,000,000 coins
+1        +8                  350,000,000 coins       1,400,000,000 coins
+1        +9                  400,000,000 coins       1,800,000,000 coins

Rampart (R)

A place to fire arrows / pour boiling oil on attackers.

Trophy Room (H)

A place to see previous clan battle statistics and outcomes.

Clan Throne Room (C)

Clan rallies can be started here using a suitable donation or using clan

Cost will be using resources or cash and can be done a maximum of once per hour.

Rally Strength  Power level   Cost Resources      Cost Gold
Small           100           1                   100,000
Medium          200           2                   200,000
Large           400           10                  1,000,000