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Yahtzee Rules 

On each turn you may roll up to 3 times, although you may stop after
the first or second roll.


First roll:  
   Roll all 5 dice.  
   You may stop now and score this roll or roll again. 

Second roll:  
   Re-roll any or all dice you want.
   Example: 'roll 1 2 3' will re-roll the first 3 dice.
   You may stop now and score this roll or roll again. 

Third roll:  
   Re-roll any or all dice you want. 
   Example: 'roll 2 5' will re-roll die # 2 and #5
   After your third roll, you MUST fill in a box on the score card with
   a score or with a zero. 


   When you are finished rolling, decide which box to fill in on the score
   card.  There are 13 boxes on the score card.  You MUST fill in a box on
   each turn.  Even if your dice don't count for any of the boxes that you
   have remaining you must score something and take a 0 for that item.

The score card is divided into the left and right sections.
Left section:

   Ones:          Sum of your '1' dice.
   Twos:          Sum of your '2' dice.
   Threes:        Sum of your '3' dice.
   Fours:         Sum of your '4' dice.
   Fives:         Sum of your '5' dice.
   Sixes:         Sum of your '6' dice.

   If the sum of the dice (your subtotal) is at least 63 points you also
   get a bonus of 35 additional points toward your final score.

Right section:

   3 of a kind:    Sum of all 5 dice if at least 3 of them are the same.
   4 of a kind:    Sum of all 5 dice if at least 4 of them are the same.
   Full house:     25 points if you have a pair and a 3 of a kind.
   Small straight: 30 points for 1,2,3,4 or 2,3,4,5, or 3,4,5,6
   Large straight: 40 points for 1,2,3,4,5 or 2,3,4,5,6
   Yahtzee:        50 points if you all 5 dice are the same.
   Chance:         Sum of all 5 dice.

Special rules:

   Yahtzee may be scored multiple times.  The first time you score yahtzee
   it is worth 50 points.  Each time afterwards it is worth an additional
   100 points.

   A yahtzee may be used to score 3 of a kind, 4 of a kind, full house,
   small straight, or large straight.  This is called the joker rule.  This
   rule would only be used when the yahtzee was already scored for 0 points.

Ending the Game: 

   The game is over when all 13 boxes have been scored.  Your final score
   is the total of all 13 boxes plus a 35 point bonus if the first 6 boxes
   sum up to 63 or more points.