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help > skills > ember
Skill        :   Ember
Class        :   Fire Drake
Cost         :   10 sps
Skill Type   :   Active
Casting Time :   1 round
Stats Base   :   Some Str, Some Dex
Syntax       :   do ember [target]
Examples     :   do ember Evil
                 do ember

The Fire Drake is a nasty being who enjoys taunting those that are
weaker.  Many Fire Drakes will breathe out small chunks of molten
lava which will burn into the skin and smolder there causing their
prey to be very distracted in battle.  This allows the Fire Drake to
toy with their prey until they grow bored and decide to incinerate
the poor soul. An embered target is also vulnerable to burn.

A common tactic for fire drakes is building up embers on a target,
then unleashing absolute devastation and possibly instant death
through burn.

A fire drakes natural attacks will sometimes set embers alight upon
its foes. The amount of is based upon this skill.

Immediately following an ember a Fire Drake will become ENKINDLED
somewhat making them passively spread embers a bit more efficently.

The heat of being ENKINDLED hardens a drake's scales.

The fire drakes ability to create a storm of cinders is based upon
this skill.