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  • help > prayers > avenger
    Prayer       :   Avenger
    Class        :   Paladin
    Cost         :   50 (not adjustable)
    Casting time :   2 rounds
    Spell type   :   Magical weapon
    Syntax       :   pray avenger [weapon type]
    The Avenger is a mighty weapon which is gifted to the Paladins of
    the Templar order.
    The weapon class of the Avenger is based on the total number of
    oaths sworn.
    An Avenger grants bonus damage on some hits based upon the Paladin's 
    character level.
    If a weapon-specialty tree has maxed (pledged to 4) then the avenger 
    will grant additional judgement every hit and will gain increased WC.
    If an (un)holy tree has been maxed (pledged to 4) then the avenger
    will provide a significant boost to spiritual arms. Effectively
    further increasing its strength.
    You can "setenv paladin_avenger <weapon_type>" to attempt to default
    Avenger to a specifical weapon type. If you do not have the weapon
    skill and you do not override the type when casting it will default
    to sword.
    Your Avenger can be set to different damage types. These types are:
    WEAPON: Sets your Avenger to its normal physical damage type.
    FIRE: Sets your Avenger to the damage type FIRE.
    HOLY: Sets your Avenger to damage type HOLY (Requires Champion Oath 2)
    UNHOLY: Sets your Avenger to damage type UNHOLY (Requires Dark Knight Oath 2)
    Use 'avenger <type>' to set your damage type.