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help > bard locations
There are 13 regions in Tsunami, each with their own bards.
Each bard gives information about the areas in the regions.

Currently, only five regional bards are in the game. 

Here are the location of the bards in Tsunami. 

    Bards                        Directions
Barovia Bard:          s from Barovia Center of Town
Edotian Giyuushijin:   s, sw from Edotian Docks
Gladstadt Bard:        w, n from Ariston Center of Town
Hobbiton Bard:         all e, 2n, e, se, n from Port of Forlond
Khaz Modan Bard:       nw from Khaz Modan Center of Town

To see the commands available at each bard, type help bards.

The Mainland Bard knows about all areas, but cannot tell you
much about each of them. He can be found e,n,e from Mainland 
Center of Town.

See also: adventuring, arealist, areas, bards, exploring, hints