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help > bards
The bards around Tsunami give information about areas, as well as 
give tasks to populate the 'arealist' that you have. The helpfile
'bard locations' gives you the locations of the bards.

At a bard, you can try the following commands, after buying a drink for
the bard ('buy drink for bard').

Hint: A bard in Edo is called a giyuushijin.

Try: areas listed                        (see areas alphabetically listed)
Try: areas sorted                        (see areas sorted by level)
Try: ask bard about [area]
Try: ask bard about [knowledge] in [area]
Try: ask bard about [area] for [knowledge]
Try: ask bard about [area] directions OR ask bard about directions to [area]
Try: ask bard about [area] credits    OR ask bard about credits for [area]
Try: ask bard about quest / ask bard about task
Try: ask bard about task <num>

Some areas may have multiple keywords. You can use them instead of the area name.

Turn on color for knowledge to see what you can ask the bard about.
  help color 
  Example:   color bards BOLD+WHITE       (white color for bard area topics)
  Example:   color knowledge BOLD+CYAN   (cyan  color for bard knowledge topics)

See also: adventuring, arealist, areas, bard locations, hints