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  • help > prayers > sandshield
    Prayer       :   Sandshield
    Class        :   Manticore
    Requirement  :   800 quest points
    Level        :   1
    Cost         :   20
    Casting Time :   1 round
    Syntax       :   pray sandshield
    Examples     :   pray sandshield
                     pray sandshield end
    Manticores that have attained a great level of knowledge can call to
    their desert home for sands to surround them, providing some 
    protection from physical harm.  
    In addition to the general protection that the sands provide, the
    manticore gains increased defensive capabilities against basic
    physical attacks (unarmed and brawling) and cold.  However, sound
    attacks are deleterious to the sands and will actually damage the
    manticore more.
    Praying sandshield while protected, either without syntax or using
    'pray sandshield end', will dispel the shield.
    See also: help manticore