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  • help > prayers > salvation
    Prayer       :   Salvation [ABILITY]
    Class        :   Paladin
    Cost         :   No Cost
    Requirement  :   Oath of the Defender 4
    Skill Time   :   Instant
    Cooldown     :   100 rounds
    Syntax       :   Pray Salvation
    A Paladin prays for salvation immediately gaining 20% of their maximum health
    and drastically reduce non-VORPAL damage for a few rounds.
    This ability will go of AUTOMATICALLY if a Paladin would otherwise die AND the
    ability is not on cooldown.
    Divine Salvation: The salvation aura will grant the Paladin 5% of his maximum
    holy power for each hit that it absorbs if the Paladin has also sworn Oath of
    the Divine Champion 4.
    Punishing Salvation: The salvation aura will damage the foe each time the Paladin
    is struck for each hit that is aborbs if the PAladin has also sworn the Oath of the
    Templar 4.