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  • help > quests
    By completing quests, players can earn an experience point reward
    bonus.  This bonus takes shape in the form of an extra percentage
    of exp earned above normal, based on the amount of quest points
    they have.  A maximum reward of 30% experience above normal earnings
    is achieved with 100% quest completion.
    For some quests, you will get a notification that your quest status has
    been updated by seeing the text
    	'Your progress in the quest 'QUESTNAME' has been updated.'
    You can type 'quest status' to see the statuses of any quest, or 
    'quest status QUESTNAME' to see the status of that particular quest. 
    We currently have a few different kinds of quests, as listed below.
    Kill quests
    	Kill quests are very simple in nature. You must kill a certain number
    	monsters in one login to complete the quest. See help killquest.
    Puzzle quests
    	Puzzle quests are as the name suggests, puzzles. Players must complete
    	puzzles of varying difficulties to complete the quest. Most puzzle
    	quests involve killing to some degree also.
    Ranked quests
    	Ranked quests can be both kill and puzzle quests. But the difference
    	is that there are various stages of completion. Ranked quests come in 
    	many varieties.  Some ranked quests are quests that can be completed 
    	in stages over boots.  Others are quests like Brett Fordon's Hitlist, 
    	in which you gain quest points in Tsunami's metagames.  You may also 
    	see ranked quests that have multiple endings worth different values.
    The 'quest' command will allow you to both view your current
    bonus, as well as view the listing of quests and the details of
    each quest.  See 'help quest' for the syntax.
    see also: actions, bonus, exploring, hints, quest bonus, quest