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  • help > exploring
    There are lots of secrets hidden in Tsunami, and here are
    some tips on how to uncover most (if not all) of them. 
    The color command (help color) may be useful.
    - Always look at every noun to see if they can be interacted
      with. Use <color items COLORTYPE> to highlight nouns.
    - You can always type "listen" or "smell" in each room, and
      sometimes you may find some useful information. Typing
      "realm" will give you such information all at once.
    - Some NPCs may have information. Try "talk to <npc>" or
      "ask <npc> about <topic>". Use <color knowledge COLORTYPE>
      to highlight knowledge items.
    - Try different verbs in rooms (which may be hinted at by 
      looking at nouns). Here are the most common verbs: climb,
      dig, enter, pry, search. Search is the most generic command,
      and you can try "search", "search room", or "search <noun>".
    - Going to Kyrse Tool Shop (from CoT, ride kyrse, e, 3n) and
      buying these tools will help. There are other tools that
      will be useful, but it is up to you to discover them :)
    - You may type "actions" in most rooms to see if there are any
      actions you can take.
    - You may type <color hints COLOURTYPE> to highlight any hints
      in the area.
    The following helpfiles may be useful: actions, adventuring, 
    colour, explorer shop, hints, quest