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  • help > skills > wild howl
    Skill        :   Wild Howl
    Class        :   Druid
    Base Cost    :   35 energy
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   1
    Stats Base   :   100% Dex
    Damage Type  :   None
    Syntax       :   do wild howl
    Examples     :   do wild howl
    In the fierce battles of the wild, Druids have learned to channel their
    inner beasts, unleashing a Wild Howl that increases their physical damage.
    This powerful finishing move can only be used while in Cat Form and lasts
    longer per combo point. The howl fills the Druid with primal energy,
    boosting their strength and ferocity to dominate the battlefield.
    - 1 Combo Point: 30% increased physical damage for 14 seconds
    - 2 Combo Points: 30% increased physical damage for 19 seconds
    - 3 Combo Points: 30% increased physical damage for 24 seconds
    - 4 Combo Points: 30% increased physical damage for 29 seconds
    - 5 Combo Points: 30% increased physical damage for 34 seconds
    Use this skill strategically to maximize your damage output and overwhelm 
    your enemies with the raw power of nature.