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  • help > skills > totem pole
    Skill        :   Totem Pole
    Class        :   Shaman      
    Cost         :   40 (non-adjustable) + 3 prima materia
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   3 rounds
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity, Intelligence
    Difficulty   :   Level 3
    Syntax       :   do totem pole [<prima materia>] <animal>
    Examples     :   do totem pole sokhun lion
                     do totem pole efantig armadillo
         Totem poles have long been a source of both inspiration and
    confrontation in Native culture.  Shamans have practiced the art of
    designing and constructing totems for ages, carving animal-like
    faces in the pole and imbuing it with the power of prima materia.
    When constructed, the power within these totems will affect not only
    the room it is placed in, but also surrounding rooms.  Please note
    that it will take a little bit of time for the power of the prima
    materia to flow into surrounding rooms.
         To this day, six types of animal designs have been known to 
    appear on these totems:
    Armadillo - All allies in the affected area gain increased armor
          Bat - All non-allies have a chance of experiencing hindered
                vision in the affected area.
         Bear - All allies in the area gain increased resistance.
         Lion - All non-allies have a chance to be terrified and flee
                when entering the affected area.
     Tortoise - All non-allies have a chance of experiencing hindered
                movement in the affected area.
    Wolverine - All allies experience standard regeneration in
                the affected area.
         Some rooms are immune to the effects of totem poles.  Totem
    poles may also be attacked.  A Shaman may destroy his totem pole
    by using "destroy totem" in the room in which it is located.
    MATERIA AFFINITIES (least to greatest):
    Armadillo - yolondu, vachopo, omatim
          Bat - sokhun, pilkitar, caldur, dhucra, langir, omatim
         Bear - roagmo, efantig, omatim
         Lion - azletu, hargalla, omatim
     Tortoise - caldur, omatim
    Wolverine - sokhun, yolondu, roagmo, vachopo, langir, efantig, 
    See also: help materia, help song channel