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  • help > skills > tenderize
    Skill        :   Tenderize
    Class        :   Worm
    Cost         :   20 sps
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Special      :   Must be cast within 2 rounds of a foe being spit up
    Stats Base   :   Str and Con
    Syntax       :   do tenderize (cannot be targeted)
    When a worm's prey is too tough to keep swallowed and is spit-up
    the worm can attempt to tenderize its prey so that they might be
    easier to keep down when swallowed once more.
    As a thoughtless creature the worm tenderizes all foes its currently
    fighting in the room and does not possess the wit to direct its rage
    at one foe over others.
    Tenderizing its meal makes it more vulnerable to acid attacks
    including its digestive fluids and bile.
    A tenderized meal is easier to digest and so the likelihood of a
    worm gaining nutrition from its meal prior to death is increased.
    A tenderized foe is momentarily stunned and their legs will be too
    weak to allow them to run. Even after this they may have trouble
    moving under the effects of being worm-battered.
    Tenderizing a foe makes the worm eager for its next meal increasing
    the amount of bile it has available.