Wave Image

  • help > skills > spin
    Skill        :   Spin
    Class        :   Spider
    Cost         :   30 sps (no modifiers)
    Stats        :   Dexterity and Intelligence
    Casting Time :   3 rounds
    Difficulty   :   Level 2
    Syntax       :   do spin
    Examples     :   do spin laradon
                 :   do spin enemy
                 :   do spin corpse
    Spiders are able to wrap the living, and corpses in silken cocoon.
    Wrapping up a player or monster will hold them until they are
    attacked, if the spin is successful.  Spinning a corpse preserves
    its nutrients, thus granting a better heal.  The corpse will
    not decay, and the amount that it heals is based on the 
    vitality of the deceased.  To feed on the cocoon, type
    'feed on cocoon'. Looking at the cocoon will tell you 
    the amount of sustenance remaining within the cocoon, as
    described by its temperature, ranging from hot to cold. If you
    have recently fed off of a cocoon, it will be dry until more
    of the remains can be digested within it.
    The spider spins corpses at no cost.
    Spiders will auto-spin cocoons outside of war.
    To disable this type 'cocoon-toggle'.