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  • help > skills > snake-spear
    Skill        :   Snake Spear
    Class        :   Medusa
    Cost         :   20 sp
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   1 round
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity, some Strength and Con
    Syntax       :   do snake-spear target
                 :   do snake-spear
    Examples     :   do snake-spear frogfejs
         One of the most versatile weapons of the Medusa is their
    ability to create the deadly snake spear.  By removing and
    magically stiffening their living hair, a Medusa is able to
    make a deadly, poisonous javelin, which may then
    be hurled at a target, digging in and poisoning the victim.
         Though an effective skill for the Medusa, typically the
    titan's descendants prefer to use this skill to distract and
    toy with an opponent.  They will hurl a deadly spear, and
    begin to enrage their opponent, luring them into range of
    their deadly bowfire, and dreaded gaze.