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  • help > skills > silentwalk
    Skill       :   Silentwalk   
    Classes     :   Shikaku, Unicorn, Changeling (tiger form)
    Skill Type  :   Passive
    Stats Base  :   Mostly Dexterity, Some Intelligence
    Syntax      :   do silentwalk [on | off]
    Examples    :   do silentwalk  
                :   do silentwalk on
    Silentwalk does not grant the player the stealth of
    a thief, but rather allows the lightfoot to move
    silently from room to room.  If the player is proficient
    at silentwalk, no one will see him leave or enter the
    room.  However, players looking in the room will be able
    to see the silentwalker.