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  • help > skills > shield bash
    Skill        :   Shield Bash
    Skill type   :   Active
    Stats Base   :   Str, Con
    Cost         :   20 Spell Points
    Time         :   Instant
    Cooldown     :   5 rounds
    Syntax       :   do shield bash
    Example      :   do shield bash
                 :   do shield bash kellen
    This skill allows one to throw their body at their current opponent,
    attempting to hurt them or knock them off their feet. It works much
    better to have the weight and power of a shield on your arm, and it
    can't be used without one. The hit will hurt the target, and has
    a chance to knock them back and out of the fight.
    No matter what, smashing into someone will tend to make
    them fight less effectively the next round. People knocked out of
    combat tend not to complete anything they were trying to do.